Cheshire Disability Trust Agents of Change

Cheshire Disability Trust Agents of Change
Cheshire Disability Trust Agents of Change
Cheshire Disability Trust Agents of Change
Cheshire Disability Trust Agents of Change
Cheshire Disability Trust Agents of Change
Cheshire Disability Trust Agents of Change

Cheshire Disability Trust Agents of Change

Date 17th Dec, 17
Venue Sri Chamarajendra (Cubbon) Park - Bangalore

With a turnout of more than 1000 people, 300 of which were PwDs, Agent of Change, held on 17th December 2017 at Cubbon Park, still remains one of the most successful campaigns in CDTs history. Sponsored by companies like Right Source Global, Robert Bosch, Shangri La and several others, the event was held to create awareness on disabilities and the challenges faced by PwDs. Among the participants were the employees from over 160 companies, students from schools and colleges, and senior citizens. The campaign was widely covered by the mainstream media and achieved its goal of raising awareness for the disabled and the need for creating inclusive spaces for PWDs. The Mayor of the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) at the time, Shri Sampath Raj was the chief guest among other dignitaries such as International Kickboxing Champion Girish R Gowda and activist turned entrepreneur Joyappa Achaiah. 

The highlight of the campaign was undoubtedly the option for participants to learn Sign-Language while they walked or ran, from the placards held by volunteers. A fruitful engagement that it was, the participants learned a few words which they demonstrated at the end of the run. A ‘Disability Experience Zone’ was yet another attraction that helped participants experience the challenges faced by a visually impaired person. Designed to help an able-bodied individual understand and empathize with vision impairment, the participants were made to walk 100 meters with blindfolds on. The stalls on the way exhibited assistive devices used by PwDs which were also detailedly explained to the participants. 
